
For Your Kids

Kevin Lewis

September 01, 2024

Delay of gratification and adult outcomes: The Marshmallow Test does not reliably predict adult functioning
Jessica Sperber et al.
Child Development, forthcoming

This study extends the analytic approach conducted by Watts et al. (2018) to examine the long-term predictive validity of delay of gratification. Participants (n = 702; 83% White, 46% male) completed the Marshmallow Test at 54 months (1995–1996) and survey measures at age 26 (2017–2018). Using a preregistered analysis, Marshmallow Test performance was not strongly predictive of adult achievement, health, or behavior. Although modest bivariate associations were detected with educational attainment (r = .17) and body mass index (r = −.17), almost all regression-adjusted coefficients were nonsignificant. No clear pattern of moderation was detected between delay of gratification and either socioeconomic status or sex. Results indicate that Marshmallow Test performance does not reliably predict adult outcomes. The predictive and construct validity of the ability to delay of gratification are discussed.

The Creativity Premium: Exploring the Link between Childhood Creativity and Life Outcomes
David Gill & Victoria Prowse
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, August 2024, Pages 495-526

In this paper, we emphasize creativity as a key skill that is essential to open-ended problem solving and resistant to automation. We use rich longitudinal data to study the relationship between people’s creativity measured in childhood and their life outcomes. Childhood creativity predicts labor market and educational success: more creative individuals earn more during the course of their careers, work in higher occupational categories, and reach higher levels of educational attainment. Our analysis of attributes further suggests that creative individuals have a package of practical skills that allows them to thrive in work environments where learning from experience is important.

Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors: An analysis of the time use of parents
Cynthia Bansak & Jun Hyung Kim
Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming

Can access to medical marijuana improve parenting? We examine the consequences of state-level medical marijuana legalization (MML) on parents' time use. Medical marijuana may increase parenting time by improving parents' health but only if parents do not abuse marijuana. We find that MML increases parenting time, with bigger impacts for those less likely to abuse marijuana. The effects correspond to 12.56% of the gap in active childcare and 8.92% of the gap in passive childcare by parents' education level. MML also reduces inactive time and increases sleep, consistent with medical marijuana's health benefits.

Parents’ Reproductive Concerns and Negativity Toward Their Child Disclosing a Minoritized Sexual Orientation
Danielle DelPriore, Olivia Ronan & Pamela Lantz
Archives of Sexual Behavior, August 2024, Pages 3101–3117

Parents often respond negatively when a child discloses their minoritized sexual orientation. We propose that parents’ negativity in this context may be shaped by evolutionary concerns regarding their children’s reproductive outcomes. We tested relevant hypotheses in a correlational study (Study 1) and two randomized experiments (Studies 2 and 3) that recruited parents with children under age 6 as participants. Study 1 (N = 386; 192 mothers and 194 fathers; 84.68% non-Hispanic White) revealed associations between parents’ concerns regarding their children’s reproductive outcomes and views toward a child disclosing a lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) orientation in the future. The most negative views were reported by parents with elevated reproductive concerns and pessimistic beliefs about the possibility of reproduction for LGB individuals. Studies 2 (N = 327 mothers; 84.10% non-Hispanic White) and 3 (N = 279 fathers; 81.00% non-Hispanic White) tested whether information about reproductive assistance available to same-gender couples might promote more favorable views toward a child’s hypothetical LGB orientation disclosure relative to control information. Parents who received reproductive versus control information reported more positive attitudes toward having an LGB child and toward the LGB community. These effects were statistically mediated by their more optimistic beliefs about the possibility of LGB reproduction. Taken together, this work suggests that reproductive concerns may influence parents’ views toward their children’s sexual orientation disclosures, and alleviating these concerns may be one way to improve parents’ relationships with their sexually diverse children.

Death from Failed Protection? An Evolutionary-Developmental Theory of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Herbert Renz-Polster et al.
Human Nature, June 2024, Pages 153–196

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been mainly described from a risk perspective, with a focus on endogenous, exogenous, and temporal risk factors that can interact to facilitate lethal outcomes. Here we discuss the limitations that this risk-based paradigm may have, using two of the major risk factors for SIDS, prone sleep position and bed-sharing, as examples. Based on a multipronged theoretical model encompassing evolutionary theory, developmental biology, and cultural mismatch theory, we conceptualize the vulnerability to SIDS as an imbalance between current physiologic-regulatory demands and current protective abilities on the part of the infant. From this understanding, SIDS appears as a developmental condition in which competencies relevant to self-protection fail to develop appropriately in the future victims. Since all of the protective resources in question are bound to emerge during normal infant development, we contend that SIDS may reflect an evolutionary mismatch situation -- a constellation in which certain modern developmental influences may overextend the child’s adaptive (evolutionary) repertoire. We thus argue that SIDS may be better understood if the focus on risk factors is complemented by a deeper appreciation of the protective resources that human infants acquire during their normal development. We extensively analyze this evolutionary-developmental theory against the body of epidemiological and experimental evidence in SIDS research and thereby also address the as-of-yet unresolved question of why breastfeeding may be protective against SIDS.

Intervening After Trauma: Child–Parent Psychotherapy Treatment Is Associated With Lower Pediatric Epigenetic Age Acceleration
Alexandra Sullivan et al.
Psychological Science, forthcoming

Early-life adversity increases the risk of health problems. Interventions supporting protective and responsive caregiving offer a promising approach to attenuating adversity-induced changes in stress-sensitive biomarkers. This study tested whether participation in an evidence-based dyadic psychosocial intervention, child–parent psychotherapy (CPP), was related to lower epigenetic age acceleration, a trauma-sensitive biomarker of accelerated biological aging that is associated with later health impairment, in a sample of children with trauma histories. Within this quasi-experimental, repeated-measures study, we examined epigenetic age acceleration at baseline and postintervention in a low-income sample of children receiving CPP treatment (n = 45; age range = 2–6 years; 76% Latino) compared with a weighted, propensity-matched community-comparison sample (n = 110; age range = 3–6 years; 40% Latino). Baseline epigenetic age acceleration was equivalent across groups. However, posttreatment, epigenetic age acceleration in the treatment group was lower than in the matched community sample. Findings highlight the potential for a dyadic psychosocial intervention to ameliorate accelerated biological aging in trauma-exposed children.


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