
Brain Fog

Kevin Lewis

August 25, 2024

Unpacking the pursuit of happiness: Being concerned about happiness but not aspiring to happiness is linked with negative meta-emotions and worse well-being
Felicia Zerwas et al.
Emotion, forthcoming

Previous work suggests that sometimes the more people value happiness, the less happy they are. For whom and why is this the case? To answer these questions, we examined a model of happiness pursuit that disentangles two previously conflated individual differences related to valuing happiness. The first individual difference operates at the strength of the value itself and involves viewing happiness as a very important goal (i.e., aspiring to happiness). The second individual difference occurs later in the process of pursuing happiness and involves judging one’s levels of happiness (i.e., concern about happiness). This model predicts that aspiring to happiness is relatively innocuous. Conversely, being concerned about happiness leads people to judge their happiness, thereby infusing negativity (i.e., negative meta-emotions) into potentially positive events, which, in turn, interferes with well-being. We tested these hypotheses using cross-sectional, daily-diary, and longitudinal methods in student and community samples, collected between 2009 and 2020, which are diverse in gender, ethnicity, age, and geographic location (Ntotal = 1,815). In Studies 1a and 1b, aspiring to happiness and concern about happiness represented distinct individual differences. In Study 2, concern about happiness (but not aspiring to happiness) was associated with lower well-being cross-sectionally and longitudinally. In Study 3, these links between concern about happiness and worse well-being were partially accounted for by experiencing greater negative meta-emotions during daily positive events. These findings suggest that highly valuing happiness is not inherently problematic; however, concern and judgment about one’s happiness can undermine it.

Sex and mental health are related to subcortical brain microstructure
Diliana Pecheva et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 30 July 2024

Some mental health problems such as depression and anxiety are more common in females, while others such as autism and attention deficit/hyperactivity (AD/H) are more common in males. However, the neurobiological origins of these sex differences are poorly understood. Animal studies have shown substantial sex differences in neuronal and glial cell structure, while human brain imaging studies have shown only small differences, which largely reflect overall body and brain size. Advanced diffusion MRI techniques can be used to examine intracellular, extracellular, and free water signal contributions and provide unique insights into microscopic cellular structure. However, the extent to which sex differences exist in these metrics of subcortical gray matter structures implicated in psychiatric disorders is not known. Here, we show large sex-related differences in microstructure in subcortical regions, including the hippocampus, thalamus, and nucleus accumbens in a large sample of young adults. Unlike conventional T1-weighted structural imaging, large sex differences remained after adjustment for age and brain volume. Further, diffusion metrics in the thalamus and amygdala were associated with depression, anxiety, AD/H, and antisocial personality problems. Diffusion MRI may provide mechanistic insights into the origin of sex differences in behavior and mental health over the life course and help to bridge the gap between findings from experimental, epidemiological, and clinical mental health research.

Changes in Need for Uniqueness From 2000 Until 2020
William Chopik et al.
Collabra: Psychology, August 2024

People have a need to express themselves and to be unique from others. However, this need might conflict with other goals, such as the need to belong and fit in with others. Recent research and polling suggest that people may be more reluctant to express themselves and stand out than in previous years, but few studies have examined such societal trends in a systematic way. We examined changes in need for uniqueness among 1,339,160 Internet respondents (Mage = 21.09, SD = 9.69; 65.8% women) from 2000 and 2020. Across the 20-year period, participants who completed the survey more recently reported a lower need for uniqueness, particularly in terms of not wanting to defend their beliefs in public forums and caring more about what others think about them. Results are discussed in the context of possible causes of changes in uniqueness desires and the possible societal implications.

Homebound: The Long-Term Rise in Time Spent at Home Among U.S. Adults
Patrick Sharkey
Sociological Science, August 2024

The changes in daily life induced by the COVID-19 pandemic brought renewed attention to longstanding concerns about social isolation in the United States. Despite the links between the physical setting for individuals’ daily lives and their connections with family, friends, and the various institutions of collective life, trends in where American adults spend their time have been largely overlooked as researchers have focused on how and with whom they spend their time. This article analyzes data from the American Time Use Survey over a timeframe spanning nineteen years and argues that the changes in Americans’ daily routines induced by the COVID era should be seen as an acceleration of a longer-term trend: the rise of time spent at home. Results show that from 2003 to 2022, average time spent at home among American adults has risen by one hour and 39 minutes in a typical day. Time at home has risen for every subset of the population and for virtually all activities. Preliminary analysis indicates that time at home is associated with lower levels of happiness and less meaning, suggesting the need for enhanced empirical attention to this major shift in the setting of American life.

Fast-forward to boredom: How switching behavior on digital media makes people more bored
Katy Tam & Michael Inzlicht
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, forthcoming

Boredom is unpleasant, with people going to great lengths to avoid it. One way to escape boredom and increase stimulation is to consume digital media, for example watching short videos on YouTube or TikTok. One common way that people watch these videos is to switch between videos and fast-forward through them, a form of viewing we call digital switching. Here, we hypothesize that people consume media this way to avoid boredom, but this behavior paradoxically intensifies boredom. Across seven experiments (total N = 1,223; six preregistered), we found a bidirectional, causal relationship between boredom and digital switching. When participants were bored, they switched (Study 1), and they believed that switching would help them avoid boredom (Study 2). Switching between videos (Study 3) and within video (Study 4), however, led not to less boredom but more boredom; it also reduced satisfaction, reduced attention, and lowered meaning. Even when participants had the freedom to watch videos of personal choice and interest on YouTube, digital switching still intensified boredom (Study 5). However, when examining digital switching with online articles and with nonuniversity samples, the findings were less conclusive (Study 6), potentially due to factors such as opportunity cost (Study 7). Overall, our findings suggest that attempts to avoid boredom through digital switching may sometimes inadvertently exacerbate it. When watching videos, enjoyment likely comes from immersing oneself in the videos rather than swiping through them.

Remotely administered non-deceptive placebos reduce COVID-related stress, anxiety, and depression
Darwin Guevarra et al.
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, forthcoming

Research suggests that placebos administered without deception (i.e. non-deceptive placebos) may provide an effective and low-effort intervention to manage stress and improve mental health. However, whether non-deceptive placebos administered remotely online can manage distress for people at risk for developing high levels of affective symptoms remains unclear. Volunteers experiencing prolonged stress from the COVID-19 pandemic were recruited into a randomized controlled trial to examine the efficacy of a non-deceptive placebo intervention administered remotely online on affective outcomes. COVID-related stress, overall stress, anxiety, and depression were assessed at baseline, midpoint, and endpoint. Compared with the control group, participants in the non-deceptive placebo group reported significant reductions from baseline in all primary affective outcomes after 2 weeks. Additionally, participants in the non-deceptive placebo group found the intervention feasible, acceptable, and appropriate for the context. Non-deceptive placebos, even when administered remotely online, offer an alternative and effective way to help people manage prolonged stress. Future large-scale studies are needed to determine if non-deceptive placebos can be effective across different prolonged stress situations and for clinical populations.

Neural Sensitivity to Peer Feedback and Depressive Symptoms: Moderation by Executive Function
Megan Davis et al.
Developmental Psychobiology, September 2024

Theories of adolescent development suggest that elevated neural sensitivity to social evaluation confers tradeoffs for adolescents’ wellbeing, promoting adaptation to changing social contexts but increasing risk for emotional distress and depression. This study investigated whether the association between neural processing of peer feedback and depressive symptoms depends on teacher-reported executive function (EF) ability in adolescent girls. Girls showed activation to negative and positive peer feedback in regions implicated in social–emotional processing that interacted with EF to predict depressive symptoms. Specifically, activation predicted more depression in youth with poorer EF but less depression in youth with better EF, suggesting that the impact of increased social sensitivity may depend on youths’ ability to regulate this sensitivity in adaptive ways.

Gene × environment effects and mediation involving adverse childhood events, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance dependence
Henry Kranzler et al.
Nature Human Behaviour, August 2024, Pages 1616–1627

Adverse childhood events (ACEs) contribute to the development of mood and anxiety disorders and substance dependence. However, the extent to which these effects are direct or indirect and whether genetic risk moderates them is unclear. We examined associations among ACEs, mood/anxiety disorders and substance dependence in 12,668 individuals (44.9% female, 42.5% African American/Black, 42.1% European American/white). Using latent variables for each phenotype, we modelled direct and indirect associations of ACEs with substance dependence, mediated by mood/anxiety disorders (the forward or ‘self-medication’ model) and of ACEs with mood/anxiety disorders, mediated by substance dependence (the reverse or ‘substance-induced’ model). In a subsample, we tested polygenic scores for the substance dependence and mood/anxiety disorder factors as moderators in the mediation models. Although there were significant indirect paths in both directions, mediation by mood/anxiety disorders (the forward model) was greater than that by substance dependence (the reverse model). Greater genetic risk for substance use disorders was associated with a weaker direct association between ACEs and substance dependence in both ancestry groups (reflecting gene × environment interactions) and a weaker indirect association in European-ancestry individuals (reflecting moderated mediation). We found greater evidence that substance dependence reflects self-medication of mood/anxiety disorders than that mood/anxiety disorders are substance induced. Among individuals at higher genetic risk for substance dependence, ACEs were less associated with that outcome. Following exposure to ACEs, multiple pathways appear to underlie the associations between mood/anxiety disorders and substance dependence. Specification of these pathways could inform individually targeted prevention and treatment approaches.


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